Discover your values. Write impactful content. Generate purpose-based profit.

X Order is a purpose-driven community that gives you EVERYTHING you need to build a powerful brand online.

Unlike most creator communities, it won’t teach you how to “build an audience”—you’ll get exclusive systems to find your purpose, core values, and "big idea" (then build a brand that reflects those so you can make purpose-based profit)

Quiz: Is X Order For You?

Have you wanted to start writing online, but never “found the right time”?

Are you overwhelmed by the sheer amount of niches, platforms, and advice pulling you in different directions (making you feel lost?)

Have you started writing online, but don’t feel proud of your content?

Are you publishing empty content, struggling to “niche down”, and unsure how to make progress?

Are you showing up daily, but tired of playing this online game alone?

Do you find endless networking boring and exhausting? Do you want an instant group ready to help and engage with you?

If you're struggling with any of these... Then X ORDER Was Built For You.

All beginner writers want to find their purpose and get paid to bring it to life... But end up constrained by these exact 10 problems:

If you’re reading this section, there’s a high chance one or more of these problems are keeping you from building an audience that trusts you.

You’ve either started writing online but don’t feel you are making anything worthwhile - or you've been procrastinating for the past few months (I know - it hurts)

Whether it’s to find your life's purpose, network with high-value people, or attract an audience that will allow you to quit the 9-5 you so despise - This will give you EVERYTHING you need to do so.

  1. Over-Editing
  2. Procrastination
  3. Generating ideas
  4. Getting distracted
  5. Imposter syndrome
  6. Finding time to write
  7. Staring at a blank page
  8. Not getting any inbound leads
  9. Struggle to find a fulfilling niche
  10. Low motivation to publish consistently

Here are 3 reasons you should join, before it’s too late:

Reason #1

The moment you join...

You’ll get crystal clear on three things with the purpose-based branding system:

We want you to have the freedom to write about whatever you want in the future. 

That’s why we want to give you clarity and a clear action plan today.

Now that you have a plan, it’s time to execute.

But this time you got me and AN ENTIRE like-minded community by your side. No more doing this alone (there's no point making this harder than it needs to be).

You post daily, engage a ton, and see no results. 

We post less, engage less, and see massive results. Why do we get results?

We're part of a community that boosts, supports, and provides feedback on everything we do.

(You could get this too ->)

Don't believe me? Check out a few of the community wins:

Reason #2

Massively successful creators like Dan Koe, Dakota Robertson, Taylin Simmonds, and Jack Moses are joining and hosting exclusive masterclasses in the community.

(They spill all the secrets to gain a MASSIVE following)

Dan Koe: Makes 3.3 million a year from his creator business. Works only 2-4hrs a day.

Dakota Robertson: Founder of GrowthGhosts, one of the best ghostwriters on social media.

Jack Moses: Viral writer, launched multiple successful cohorts, educator at Kortex University

Only 2 weeks ago we had… 

Taylin Simmonds: 79.6k followers. Scaled his agency to 500k revenue. He brought us a brand-new product that isn't even available to the public yet (shhhh!)

($100+ Value PER MASTERCLASS CALL, free for our members)

Take a look at what two of our members Brandon and Drew had to say about these masterclass calls:

AI is coming for all our jobs and most Creators are going to fail within the next 3 months

There is only one way to guarantee you don't get automated, replaced, and depressed...

Using your life's purpose to back your brand

Dan Koe = Replace the educational system Elon Musk = Wants to save humanity by going to Mars Hamza = Fights the lack of masculinity in the modern world

If you want to keep spending hours scrolling, working a job you hate, and living an unfulfilling life…

Go ahead. Stop reading.

But if you want to actualize your potential, and become a successful Impact Creator

Read on.

Reason #3

You’re unfulfilled. You fear not holding up to your potential. You dream of living a life where you can make a living writing about what you LOVE online.

(We got something special just for you)

The Purpose-Based Branding System:

Here's exactly what you'll get from it...

  1. A step-by-step process to find your 10 core values
  2. A crystal clear method to discover your life's purpose
  3. A system to merge both into a powerful mission (like Dan Koe, Elon Musk, Etc...)
  4. A way to apply your values, purpose, and mission to your Ideal Reader Avatar so you have a simple process to follow to attract lifelong fans

This guarantees you fall in love with your work (and life) in a way you didn't even know possible. You'll wake up, jumping out of bed excited to get to work. You'll put more effort into what you do, yet it will feel like play. You'll destroy procrastination thanks to having a clear roadmap to making the impact you dream of.

All thanks to the Purpose-Based Branding OS - A Personal Notion System to manage your purpose, content, and brand.

You'll get instant exclusive access to this system (Only in X Order). Allowing you to find your purpose, stay on track with your content, and have a clear roadmap to write in a way that not only stands out but also brings you deep meaning and fulfillment.

But that's not all...

(I know... This is a lot. ALL FOR YOU!)

Our courses are worth hundreds of dollars and take you through the genuine transformations we have accomplished.

We know these courses work because they have worked for us AND for our community members. 


Let's quickly recap everything you're getting here:

  • Instant access to the X Order family. 70+ like-minded creators all growing and networking together to SUPERCHARGE their growth (and yours)

  • Weekly calls with the X Order fam to give you instant support and answers to your questions (live), exclusive breakdowns of your content, and calls going over all the fundamentals of becoming a great writer. So that you're never left confused.

  • Access to monthly masterclass calls with creators like Dan Koe, Taylin Simmonds, and Dakota Robertson so they can give you the secrets to growing a MASSIVE audience. (And instant access to all the recordings)

  • Access to the purpose-based branding system (only in X Order) that will guarantee you build a brand that you LOVE working on (and makes you a f*ck ton of cash)

  • A Notion System to guide you step-by-step through managing your brand, content, and life purpose so you never feel overwhelmed by information again.

  • Instant access to a creator mindset course, X hygiene course, Productivity course, AND goal setting course so you never lack the resources to grow, gain clarity, and monetize with ease.

  • And finally, access to a telegram channel to get instant custom feedback on any questions you have. This guarantees you improve as fast as you can, attracting the eyes you want.

[BONUS] Ultimate Networking Pack - How To Grow fast As A Beginner, Instantly Get More Eyes On Your Content, And Create A Group Of Lifelong Partners To Grow With.

The number one thing holding beginner writers from growing online? Not gaining any initial traction. They don’t focus on step 1, and then get frustrated because they aren’t seeing results.

I will walk you through how to network in a way that builds a true connection with a group of 10-20 people, guaranteeing you never tweet into the void again - But that's not all... We'll see how to leverage replies to supercharge your growth 10x (not joking). AND How to get Retweets from 100k+ accounts, putting your writing on hundreds of thousands of screens. (examples of what these methods have gotten me below)

[BONUS] The Viral Inspiration Lab So You Can Start Publishing While Learning.

It gets hard trying to produce something new every single day. Especially when it’s your first time.

To make sure you stay on track and never miss a day of publishing - You get exclusive access to a database of 62+ creator's most viral tweets. Allowing you to whip up high-performing content in the blink of an eye (don't steal tho, just take inspiration hahaha ;))

If you've made it this far, chances are you believe Community is the future of the Creator Economy too. 

But… It sounds like it's going to cost a ton of money.

Aren’t most Creators charging thousands of dollars for their ‘cohorts’ and not even providing as much as this?

Part of our mission at X Order is to make the transformation from unfulfilled and broke to Impact Creator making purpose-based profit as accessible as possible.

Your investment for X Order uses a Pay As You Grow model so that you're always in the green. Yes, we could be selling this for $2k - $3k...

But for the next 100 people to get accepted...

Your investment is $55 now and then payments of $55 every month.

You're free to leave whenever (see below) and we will not charge you.

Love It Or Leave It:

X Order is an asset. Not a liability.

You're free to leave whenever and make no further payments. If you leave you are unable to rejoin for a year.

Sound too good to be true? Keep reading…

To recap:

Please ignore this, we only want Impact Creators.


If you understand that the creator economy represents an opportunity to fulfill your potential, work from a laptop anywhere in the world, and positively impact humanity…

(We'll bump the price up again due to demand once the 100 spots are filled ;))

Check out what our members have to say about it: